Stats to think about when putting together a great tweet

by Kate Brodock on 7 May 2012

Posted in: Statistics,Toolkit,Twitter

I was plowing through the May issue of Harvard Business Review and came across some good statistics on Twitter that can help us all make better tweets.  The full article is worth a read (it’s a quick one, so why not!), here are a few highlights:

New Twitter accounts are being added at a rate of 11 per second! (Significance: This stat actually has nothing to do with improving your tweets, but was pretty significant anyway, and demonstrates the increasing need to provide value on the platform)

36% of tweets are “Worth Reading.” (Significance: We all can do better)

Random thoughts are considered worth reading 36% of the time, with most of those cases being “funny” or “exciting.” (Significance: Tread carefully when thinking out loud, and ask yourself if people will actually care or have a response - whether they keep that response to themselves or not)

82% of respondents think that asking questions of your audience is at least somewhat effective. (Significance: When not overused, asking interesting questions can be an engaging tactic)

Tweeting for the sake of tweeting and giving your followers a “good morning” when you wake up is considered worthwhile by only 20% of respondents. (Significance: Sometimes not tweeting at all is the better bet)

Giving your opinion about something is considered worth reading only 30% of the time, and it works better if you don’t do it often and if you’re particularly witty or useful. (Significance: Don’t whine, and don’t do it on a regular basis)

A few more stats below:



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  • Pete Taylor

    shame about the rubbish picture quality…