Using RebelMouse to enhance your live events

by Kate Brodock on 5 June 2013

Posted in: Toolkit

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As part of Syracuse University’s 2013 Commencement ceremonies, we used a great tool called RebelMouse to curate social content and present it to our larger, global audience. We even got Rebel of the Week!

The Tool:

  • Allows for curation of user-generated social content from across a variety of platforms, using a variety of functions (hashtags, search terms, etc).
  • Allows for varying levels of automation, from fully automated (based on platform or hashtags, for the most part) to fully manual using a “draft” mode.
  • Ability to create a page/tab structure similar to a website.
  • Embedding feature with real-time updating of content.

Our Process:

  • We set up a RebelMouse page with pre-determined sections (see below) and pre-determined search terms.
  • Everything was set up for manual input, as we needed to have full control over the content that was submitted.
  • We ran and promoted to RebelMouse page all week, continually updating content.
  • On Saturday and Sunday, we embedded the RebelMouse page onto our homepage.
  • On Sunday, we had it running on the homepage just below the livestream of our University Commencement ceremony.


RebelMouse page for Syracuse University Commencement 2013 RebelMouse page for Syracuse University Commencement 2013


RebelMouse on the Syracuse University homepage RebelMouse on the Syracuse University homepage


Here’s a clip of me talking about the process and how it enhanced the overall experience of SU’s Commencement (as part of Penn State’s Social Media Summit).


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