New Marketing Summit: Christopher S Penn and CC Chapman

[Check out Anya's post on Community Platforms]

Christopher S Penn: Study Something Old to Learn Something New

  • When you’re trying to get dialogs from your company, think about old medium that it can be compared to (a blog is the same as a newspaper editorial!)
  • How can you update the information you already have in your organization?
  • There’s nothing magic or esoteric about this stuff.  You can all do this, you just need to learn a little about it!
  • Take all the info in your organization that you want to communicate: Things to Watch, Things to Read, Things to Hear, then figure out the format.
  • Think about where your customers are.  If you don’t know, go to your database.
  • New media is not a new shiny object.  Don’t treat them as new, treat them as tools in the toolbox.
  • They won’t save you if you don’t have a functional business model.  Get your business in shape first before you start new media.
  • Someone saying that they’re an expert in a particular medium is crap [we like Christopher!]
  • Think about old companies, and what made them successful when there was no internet.  What can you extract from their success to make your own business model successful?

CC Chapman: I Don’t Have Time to Play With Everything! Ten quick tips of things you can do

  1. Google your brand, see what people are saying, comment on those site, keep the PR people away, let people talk.
  2. Set up Google Alerts.  It’s free.  Put in your name.  Put in your company name.  Put in your competitor name.  Put in key words.
  3. Twitter is useful.  You don’t have to follow a ton of people, it’s not a game.  Use it in a way that’s most useful to you.
  4. Join a social network.  If you’re just starting, use LinkedIn and Facebook.
  5. Use newsletters: Marketing Vox, WOMMA and MarketingProfs are three great ones.
  6. Flickr is great.  It’s not just about photos, it’s about commenting and seeing what people are doing.
  7. Read, Read, Read.  Read everything.  Books, newspapers.
  8. Go to Events.  Nothing beats meeting people face-to-face.  Websites like, etc.
  9. Use Evernote, they’re great.  Evernote everything.
  10. Share where you love.  Find out where other people love.

Finally, Dive in and Don’t Be Afraid!

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