Inauguration 2.0

Aside from the general excitement and emotion surrounding Tuesday inauguration, there are a lot of cool things happening online.

Firstly, my colleague Patrick pointed me towards a neat initiative put together by a friend of his, Andrew Turner, called the Inauguration Report 2009.  A collaboration between NPR, CBS News, American University and volunteers, it lists and maps reports from around the world, and you can participate by using various mobile applications, SMS messaging or using Twitter tag #inaug09 or #dctrips09.

A few more initiatives:

Streaming the inauguration events through Ustream.

Current announced it teamed up with Twitter by “adding your real-time Twitter messages (“tweets”) over our live broadcast of Barack Obama’s Inauguration.”

CNN and Facebook are providing live streaming, along with status updates and friend status feeds.

Hulu is (and has been) spotlighting a variety of streaming opportunities here.

The Citizen Media Law Project offers a full guide to documenting the 2009 Presidential Inauguration.

Do you have anything to add?

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