
Thumbnail image for Outreach & Marketing in a Digital Age [Presentation]

Outreach & Marketing in a Digital Age [Presentation]

28 October 2013

On Saturday, Kate presented on the topic of marketing and outreach in a digital age at the Syracuse Entrepreneurs Bootcamp.  Below is the presentation.  

Thumbnail image for Other Side Group at #SXSW – What is Entrepreneurship? #SXSW

Other Side Group at #SXSW - What is Entrepreneurship? #SXSW

5 March 2012

I’ll be speaking at SXSW this year, please come say hello! PANEL: Everybody’s a Bloody Entrepreneur! Or Are They? Sunday, March 11th, 12:30-1:30 Salon C, Hilton Hashtags: #sxsw #bloody There was an article - or 100 - the other day that said something about entrepreneurs being…The life blood of society! The new drivers of our [...]

Thumbnail image for Repost: Doing Business in Boston and the Need for Constructive Action

Repost: Doing Business in Boston and the Need for Constructive Action

29 July 2010

[This was originally posted on Today and Tomorrow, but I thought I'd repost it, as it's important to the Other Side Group and all of its colleagues in Boston.] On Monday, Henry McCance wrote about why he moved his firm from Boston to Silicon Valley, and why Boston isn’t a good place to start a [...]


A response to the problem of Atlanta's start-up community

15 August 2008

Atlanta development You may or may not know that I’ve just graduated from the Goizueta Business School at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.  If you’re wondering if it’s hot, yes it is.  One of my classmate, Yaniv (who’s great!), posted this blog link on the problems with the Atlanta start-up community (and how to fix [...]
